Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Sushi Go Round [Wii][NTSC]

Name: Sushi Go Round.

Description: [EN] Sushi Go Round puts you in the profile of a young man who is in charge of a sushi restaurant, and it is his job to become a successful business and keep your customers happy!, in order to impress the girl of your dreams. Routine based games online. [ES] Sushi Go Round te pone en el perfil de un joven quien esta a cargo de un restaurante de sushi, y es su trabajo para convertirlo en una empresa exitosa y mantener contentos a sus clientes!,para asi poder impresionar a la chicha de sus sueños. Basado en juegos de rutina on-line.

Region: NTSC

Size: 50MB



[EN] Copy & paste the links in your web-browser, MiPony or Jdownload
[ES]Copia y pega el link en tu navegador, Mipony o Jdownload


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